
2020 New Start in Elgin, Scotland!

Exciting news, after some long and informed discussions we have decided to relocate to Elgin in Moray.

Cliff is ready to take bookings for April, he will be available for appointments from the 20th April.

Cliff uses the EquiPro booking program, the programs biggest benefits are the appointment and reminder emails, the reminder email will arrive 24 hours before the appointment.

We look forward to working with you.

Beth Bainbridge & Henry

This is Divertemnto (Henry) and Beth Bainbridge finishing thier Novice freestyle to music test at the 2016 NAF Winter Nationals.

Henry was first horse in and scored a whoping 76.2% finishing 3rd overal.

Huge thanks to the Team at Altogether Equestrian for their hard work.




Some of the biggest headaches I have to deal with is something that is out of our control..the crazy weather!

The wet winter was fine but it just stopped raining the sun came out with a vicious wind that dried the ground out so much it cracked, all in the space of about three days, then it rained again, now its dry.

These rapid changes are hard on horses feet, going from saturated to dry in the space of a few days has caused havoc, with feet becoming as hard as stone and contracting causing the foot to break up and become very brittle.

Fingers crossed we have some consistency in the weather so we can have some consistency in the feet.

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© Cliff Barnes AWCF Master Farrier